
Bizarre Charlotte Kidnapping Scheme Leads to Severe Charges

According to recent report, a Charlotte woman is facing significant criminal charges after a bizarre kidnapping attempt. On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, officers from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department responded to a call at Beacon Ridge Apartments.

A man on the scene told police officers that his wife and two daughters had been kidnapped. After an investigation into the incident, the police determined that a women at the scene, Andrea Endara-Paredes, was the mastermind behind the kidnapping attempt.

Police believe that Endara-Paredes befriended the victim, a 22-year-old with two children. She was trying to help the victim find a job. It was also during this time that Endara-Paredes was making people believe that she was pregnant. She had set up her house as if a baby was coming, even though she was not pregnant.

On Tuesday night, Endara-Paredes attempted to complete her master plan of obtaining a baby. She assaulted the woman that she had been helping and pretending to befriend. She attacked the unsuspecting woman with a tire iron and sprayed her in the face with pepper spray. She then pulled a knife on the woman and demanded that she and her children go with her. Eventually, Endara-Paredes released the woman and her four-year-old daughter, but kept the woman’s one-month-old little girl.

Captain Rod Golding indicated that Endara-Paredes promised the victim that she would take her back home only if she promised not to tell her husband what happened and if she promised to tell her husband that two black men kidnapped the baby.

Thankfully, the baby was found unharmed. Endara-Paredes had left her in an apartment with her boyfriend. Captain Golding said, “We went over and knocked on that door, and a male came to the door and said that he had the one month old baby… We called medic as a precautionary measure. Medic came out and checked out the baby. Other than a wet diaper, she was fine.” Currently, Endara-Paredes is being held on charges of attempted murder, three counts of kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, and assault on a child under 12.

While no one expects to find himself/herself on the wrong side of the law, if you happen to find yourself needing the services of a North Carolina criminal defense attorney, please contact the lawyers at Arnold & Smith, PLLC today for a free consultation at 704-370-2828.

Woman faked pregnancy, beat mom with tire iron to steal baby,” by CBS News, published at

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