Articles Tagged with electric chair

2What is Resisting Arrest?

When you are arrested for a crime in North Carolina, you could face additional charges for resisting. Resisting arrest occurs when you take evasive actions that are against the directions of a law officer. Resisting arrest takes various forms and is usually charged in conjunction with another crime or crime, which was the original charge. If you are charged with resisting arrest, you need to take it seriously because you will face penalties if convicted. An experienced criminal defense attorney will help defend these charges as well as the original charges.

1-5Capital Punishment in North Carolina

North Carolina has various punishments for different crime convictions. The most serious of all crimes have the most severe penalties. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty is only to be used for crimes that result in death, such as murder. Only about half the states have capital punishment in place. Capital punishment is a penalty for first-degree murder in North Carolina.

What is Capital Punishment?

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