Articles Posted in Traffic Violations

6-1024x1024Should I Fight a Speeding Ticket in Court?

Almost everyone receives a speeding warning or ticket at some time in their lives. A speeding ticket is not necessarily a big deal, but in some cases, it can have a lasting impact. Generally, you have the option to simply send in a payment for the ticket or request a hearing. If you pay the ticket, you are admitting guilt, and therefore, you will be assessed a number of points on your driver’s license. If you wish to fight a speeding ticket, it is often helpful to seek guidance from an experienced defense attorney.

What are Points and Why Do They Matter?

Crim-1024x1024Fleeing and Eluding Charges in North Carolina

When police lights and sirens are behind you, signaling you to pull over, North Carolina law requires you to stop. You must pull to the side of the road and bring your vehicle to a full stop. Regardless of whether you agree with the traffic stop or not, you must still follow the law. If you fail to stop, the police will believe that you are fleeing and eluding. You will likely face charges of fleeing and eluding along with any other charges that might arise from the traffic stop.

What is Fleeing and Eluding?

4-1024x1024Is Honking Your Horn Legal in North Carolina?

Every vehicle has a built-in horn located on the steering wheel. The horn is needed for emergency situations, but sometimes, honking the horn can cause a problem. With the increase in road rage incidents across the country, it has been noted that using a horn can provoke or incite anger and violence. Some states have made it illegal to honk your horn more than once.

The Law Requires a Working Horn

5-1024x1024Speeding Violations in North Carolina

Most people have received a ticket for speeding at some point in time. Speeding is one of the most common traffic offenses. If you receive a ticket for speeding, you may wonder what it means to your driving record and whether the offense is considered criminal in nature. You may want to consult with a criminal defense attorney to determine the best course of action and what you can do to fight the charges.

A speeding violation can be more than just an inconvenience. If you are found guilty of speeding you will assess points on your driving record. You will also be required to pay a fine. Sometimes, your car insurance rates will go up because of speeding or other violations. Depending on the circumstances, you could have your driver’s license suspended. In addition, some speeding violations are more serious and if guilty, you will face criminal penalties such as a jail sentence, community service, and more.

3-300x300New Legislation Requires In-Vehicle Breathalyzers by 2026

Impaired driving is an ongoing problem in every state. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately a million drunk driving arrests in the United States every year. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in North Carolina is 0.08%. If the police suspect you are driving while impaired, they may ask you to perform some field sobriety tests as well as take part in a breathalyzer test. If you are over the limit, you will likely be facing DWI charges in North Carolina.

What are Breathalyzer Tests?

Plate-300x300New License Plate Reader Program Takes Effect in 2024

More and more police departments are using automated license plate readers to assist them with law enforcement. There has been controversy surrounding the use of these devices and concern about what law enforcement does with the data. In Charlotte, for instance, the law requires police to purge data after 18 months. In Raleigh, police have to purge data after six months, as long as it is not being used as part of an investigation. A new law in effect allows for the addition of more license plate readers in 2024.

What are Automated License Plate Readers?

5Is Speeding a Traffic Offense or a Crime?

If you get pulled over for speeding, you may think that you will simply get a warning or, at worst, a traffic citation. A traffic ticket will cause you to pay a fine, and you will also accumulate points on your license. Your insurance rate could go up after you get a traffic ticket. While a traffic citation will not make you happy, there are actually some circumstances in which speeding is considered a crime.

Speeding Violations in North Carolina

4Reckless Driving Charges in North Carolina

When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you must follow the rules of the road. If you fail to adhere to the rules you might be pulled over and the officer may give you a traffic ticket. Most times, traffic infractions have penalties that include points against your license and fines. However, sometimes a moving violation is considered much more serious and therefore, it also has criminal penalties as well. If you are charged with reckless driving, you may need to seek legal help from a skilled criminal defense attorney in North Carolina.

What is Reckless Driving?

3Can I Record a Traffic Stop?

We live in the digital age, where everyone has a phone that takes photos and videos. Because of this, people have access to recordings everywhere they go. You are likely aware of the many postings of traffic stops and police encounters that are posted on a regular basis on social media sites. Allegations of law enforcement misconduct and even unwarranted violence are common. You may feel that you should record your police interactions. However, the ability to record something does not necessarily mean that it is legal to do so. Many people wonder whether they have the right to record a traffic stop in North Carolina.

Recording in Public Spaces

7Can I Get a DWI While Riding a Bicycle in North Carolina?

Riding your bicycle is a great way to get around town. You can ride your bike to get to and from work, to go visit friends, and for pleasure and exercise. When you ride your bike, you may not feel that you have to follow all the same rules that you do when you are behind the wheel of a car. Some people may even use their bicycle instead of a vehicle in an attempt to avoid getting a DWI. Unfortunately, you are still subject to the same traffic laws as when you drive a car. You can still get a DWI while you are riding a bicycle in North Carolina.

What is a Bicycle DWI?

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