Articles Tagged with perfect self defense

9-1Does North Carolina Have a Stand Your Ground Law?

Residents have a right to defend themselves and their property. The ability to protect and defend your home has been in the news over the last decade. More and more states have enacted “stand your ground” laws to clarify your rights and provide guidance for how and when it is legal to use force to protect yourself. At least half the states have such a law on the books. North Carolina has had a “stand your ground” law in place since 2011. An experienced North Carolina criminal defense attorney will answer your questions and defend against your charges.

What Does it Mean to Stand Your Ground?

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “The person that called the police doesn’t want to press charges, can I still be prosecuted?”

A violent incident can happen in a second. When a confrontation occurs, it can result in one or the other party suffering severe injuries or death. Recently, the defendants in several high profile cases have asserted self defense claims in court. Self defense is a defense that asserts that you acted in response to something that could have caused you severe injury or death. Your act therefore was a way to prevent yourself from being killed. If you are accused of a serious crime, it is critical to talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

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