Articles Tagged with protecting yourself

1What is Self Defense?

When you are faced with danger, you want to defend yourself. When you end up seriously hurting or killing the other person as a result, you might be charged with a crime. You may defend the charges with a claim of self-defense. Self-defense is an affirmative defense to a crime. In other words, you do not dispute that the situation occurred, but it happened because you were defending yourself or your property. However, you cannot claim self-defense in every situation. The law provides for the use of force under specific circumstances.

When Can You Use Force?

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?”

Looting is almost synonymous with protests. This was evident during the recent protests over the killing of a black man in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As reported by Fox News, eight people were charged in connection with looting and trespassing while protesting in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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