Articles Tagged with sex offense cases

2State and Federal Drug Charges: What is the Difference?

When you have been charged with a drug crime, the offense is likely serious. You could face a number of severe penalties if you are found guilty. Drug charges can be confusing, especially because there are various state or federal drug charges that could apply in your case. It is helpful to understand the types of charges and potential penalties for drug crimes in North Carolina.

Types of Controlled Substances

8-1What are the Most Common Blue-Collar Crimes?

Crime is generally categorized into white-collar and blue-collar. White-collar crimes are non-violent and include such things as embezzlement, health care fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and similar crimes. Blue-collar crime, although not a legal term, usually refers to any crimes other than white-collar crimes and may have a distinct victim and could be violent. Blue-collar crimes are more common, often because they are easier to see and prosecute.


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