Articles Tagged with gun permits

2-1-1024x1024Can I Travel on an Airplane With a Firearm?

Many citizens in North Carolina own at least one firearm. According to a report, about 46% of households in North Carolina had at least one gun. The number could be even higher. Often, people keep firearms for protection or for hunting. If you plan to travel, you may want to bring your firearm along with you. It is important to know the laws that apply to bringing firearms and other weapons to the airport and how to pack them properly for legal travel.

Can I Carry a Firearm at the Airport?

3What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen

When you own a firearm, it is important to be responsible. When you find that your gun is lost or stolen, you need to take steps to recover it and protect yourself against potential criminal liability. If someone else uses your gun in the commission of a crime, it could cause you to get into trouble with law enforcement. It is important to understand how to prevent your gun from being stolen or used without your permission and what to do if your firearm goes missing.

Gun Registration

3-2Gun Permits No Longer Required in North Carolina

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms. Many federal, state, and local laws are in place to govern gun ownership across the country. Recent legislation has removed the requirement for gun permits in North Carolina. This means that residents may purchase and own a handgun without having to obtain a permit from the local sheriff. This is a change to a permit requirement that was previously in place. The change takes effect immediately.

Handgun Permit Repeal

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