
Articles Posted in drug addiction


What is the Difference Between Physical and Constructive Drug Possession?

What is the Difference Between Physical and Constructive Drug Possession? Drug possession charges can be serious. If you have been arrested on drug charges you could be facing some severe consequences, depending on the circumstances. If you are in possession of enough quantity of a substance, you could even be…


New Drug Trafficking Penalties in Effect in North Carolina

New Drug Trafficking Penalties in Effect in North Carolina Drug charges are serious, and penalties may be severe if you are found guilty. The law makes some drug crimes more dangerous, and therefore, they come with stronger penalties. Drug possession is generally a much less severe crime than possession with…


How You Can Help Your Attorney With Your Criminal Defense

How You Can Help Your Attorney With Your Criminal Defense When you are charged with a crime, it is probably one of the most difficult and challenging times in your life. Regardless of whether you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you could be facing some serious penalties that…


Defending Discipline of a Professional License

Defending Discipline of a Professional License A professional license allows you to be employed in your field, and it gives you the ability to make a living in your chosen career. Obtaining a professional license can be a long and difficult process. It takes years of education and training, along…


What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen

What to Do if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen When you own a firearm, it is important to be responsible. When you find that your gun is lost or stolen, you need to take steps to recover it and protect yourself against potential criminal liability. If someone else uses…


What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Defense Attorney?

What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Defense Attorney? When you have been charged with a crime, you want to take the charges seriously. If convicted of a crime, you may face a number of penalties that could even include a jail sentence, among other punishments. You will want to…


State and Federal Drug Charges: What is the Difference?

State and Federal Drug Charges: What is the Difference? When you have been charged with a drug crime, the offense is likely serious. You could face a number of severe penalties if you are found guilty. Drug charges can be confusing, especially because there are various state or federal drug…


Should Addiction Be Punished As A Crime?

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What should I do if I have been pulled over and I have been drinking ?”   Everyone who reads or watches the news knows about the devastating impact drug addiction has had on the country. Families in every county of every…

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