Articles Tagged with criminal investigation

5-1024x1024How Can I Be Removed From the Sex Offender Registry?

After conviction on sex crime offenses, a person must follow the legal requirements that apply. A convicted sex offender must not reside within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare facility. A convicted sex offender is not allowed to provide instruction, supervision, or care for children. In addition, a person convicted of sex offenses generally must register as a sex offender. Registration as a sex offender may have a devastating impact on your life, and you may wonder whether you are eligible to get your name removed from the sex offender registry.

Sex Offender Registry

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “If I simply intend to plead guilty, why do I need a lawyer?”

The prospect of having to hire a criminal attorney can be terrifying. No one wants to be in a position to have to figure out whether or not they need legal representation. It is one question you never hope to answer, but is also one of those scenarios in which if you have to ask, you probably do.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?”

After former FBI director James Comey’s recent testimony before Congress, the media has been awash in conversation about obstruction of justice. The question on many minds is whether Comey’s testimony made a sufficiently compelling case for obstruction of justice charges, something that could land President Trump in serious legal hot water. But what is obstruction of justice and what might happen in this case even if it is found to have occurred? To find out, keep reading.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Should I ever plead guilty to a charge?”

For those following the 2016 election, it’s been a very interesting past year or so, to say the least. No one could have predicted many of the headline-grabbing events that have occurred, including the most recent involving the release of a tape where Donald Trump made lewd comments regarding women. In an attempt to change the national conversation, Trump made a rather dramatic pronouncement at this weekend’s second presidential debate. According to Trump, if he wins in November, he will launch a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her use of a private server while serving as Secretary of State. Though some cheered while others were left aghast, many more wondered whether such a thing is even possible. To find out more, keep reading.

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